Saturday, January 31, 2009

Still trying to update

Hi all - I've been trying frantically all day to update my blog with little success. I do now have the links at the left pointing correctly to brand new catalog and decor elements brochure. I'll keep trying to update tomorrow with other great goodies.

Be on the lookout for information about my favorite time of year - Sale-A-Bration!!! It's that happy time of year when everyone has the chance to earn free goodies and it starts tomorrow!!!! Also, during this time, you can earn a free copy of the new catalog by placing an online order through my Demonstrator Business Website . You get also there by clicking on the shop 24/7 button at the left.

In the meantime, check out all the goodies you can get from UStamp - my favorite online resource for creative stampers!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Updates Coming Soon

Hi all -
As I was adding a blinkie to my blog about a great group I belong to called UStamp, I realized that I've allowed myself to get caught up in the holidays and their aftermath and am sadly behind in updating this blog. This weekend I will be updating with all of the latest Stampin' Up! specials and our BRAND NEW catalog! This year I'm also going to work on actually posting samples of my artwork to inspire and motivate you.

In the meantime, check out UStamp. This is a great group of talented demonstrators who will share videos, .pdf files and live chats that will make you want to stamp. I'm participating in my third round of UStamp and will tell you that it is absolutely worth your time!

Until next time....